Phone: 202-485-8000
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST
Monday through Friday
- The authentication fee is $8.00 per document.
- Checks should be made payable to the U.S. Department of State.
When requesting Mail Authentication Services, please be sure to include the following:
- A completed Request of Authentications Service DS-4194 form – Be sure to specify the document’s country of use in Section 4
- Documents
- Fees
- A self-addressed prepaid envelope
Mail your complete packet to the following address:
Office of Authentications
U.S. Department of State
1st Floor
1150 Passport Services PL
Dulles, VA 20189-1150
It turns out that that’s the office for authentication of federal documents only.
For most documents, you need to find the authentications office in your State.
In California, the main office is in Sacramento, and there’s another one in Los Angeles.